3 Face Rudraksha mala


  • Symbol of : Agni
  • Ruling Planet : Mars
  • Ruling God: Three Deva
  • Day of wearing : Monday
  • Recommended for : Children with frequent fever, Diseases of Liver and Gall Bladder, Stress and Depression, for BP Control
  • Influence on body organ: Throat and Celica plexus
  • Properties: It is believed that it purifies a person from all sins committed in the past.
  • As per Shrimad Devi Bhagwat this Rudraksha condones the sin of performing abortion. Also it makes the soul pure and enables one to live a life without guilt.
  • People’s experience: Wearing three mukhi helps to overcome from all types of diseases and also counters the ill effects of Mars like land disputes, blood poisoning and accidents.
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3 Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

The three Mukhi Rudraksha has three natural lines or Mukhas on its surface .Three Mukhi Rudraksha represents Agni, i.e. fire that burns and consumes everything. This Rudraksha helps the wearer to fight with all kinds of situation and win over them.

As per scriptures and Puranas

SHIVA PURANA Vidyesvara Samhita Suta said Rudraksha is a favourite bead of Shiva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact and Japa SHIVA said If a man is not liberated after Meditation and acquisition of Knowledge, he shall wear Rudraksha. He shall be freed from all sins and attain the highest goal. A Rudraksha of 3 Faces always bestows means of enjoyment.

O daughter of king of mountains thus I have explained to you the different types of Rudraksha based on the number of faces. Please listen to the mantras with devotion.

Klim…Obeisance…3 Faced Rudraksha Bead


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