4 Face Rudraksha Mala


  • Symbol of : Lord Brahma
  • Ruling Planet : Jupiter
  • Ruling God: Lord Brahma (Prajapati, Hiranyagarbh, Brahnaspati or vishwakarma)
  • Day of wearing : Monday
  • Recommended for: Disorders of Kidney, Thyroid, Disorders of Brain with Psychiatric Symptoms, Stammering, Memory Lapse.
  • Influence on body organ: Adrenal and Heart.
  • Properties: This Rudraksha absolves the person from various sins including sins like killing of humans or animals. Also purify the mind and create consciousness and make person truly for the mistakes.
  • People’s experience: Wearing four mukhi Rudraksha constantly upgrade the mental setup. It makes the voice of the wearer sweet.


4 Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha

4 Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Lord Brahma and represents all four Vedas. It gives the person/ wearer the fruits of Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha. The ruling planet for 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is Mercury (Budh Grah).

As per scriptures and Puranas

As per Mahabharta, One who wears four mukhi Rudraksha attains the level of Dwij, and transforms himself to a totally new personality and assumes a new and better role in life.


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